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shapeshifter of happiness

After you, I understand addiction.

Whatever happened in the past 7 years, started off because of her. She put the fire in whatever I succeed in after. Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes the choices make you.
7 years of pure joy, self growth, and fulfilled dreams.
Dreams? Chase them until you’re out of breath. Then, keep running. ↠

There’s a wild year in front of us. Perhaps wilder than ever. Recently just about everything started falling in place.

You are the most beautiful chapter in the book of my life. And after all this time, you are still you, I am still me, and we are still us.

You never meet the right people at the wrong time, because the right people are timeless. And so are dogs.

It’s been 7 years. Magical, dreamy, miracle number of 7. And that is all what life is with Vicky.
Happy fairytale birthday of 7.

Don’t ever lose your wild. Don’t ever lose your sparkle.


  • Ana&Belle

    29/05/2017at21:51 Reply

    When is going to be ready the youtube Video?

    • Ana&Belle

      29/05/2017at22:05 Reply

      Your relationship is so Lovely! You are Amazing! ;) :)

  • Clara

    30/05/2017at19:59 Reply


  • Analyze life

    27/06/2017at19:39 Reply


  • Analyze life

    04/07/2017at17:49 Reply

    You are Amazing! ;) :) If you are worried about your life and want to revive your feelings then you need to analyze what is going wrong. Now you can analyze your life and feelings through analyze.life app. This is an amazing app that can analyze, observe and evaluate your mental wellbeing and you find out the real path to Understand Happiness.

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