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Spend time with people who make you see the world differently.

I’ve always felt like stubborn was just another word people liked to use but never experienced it. Then all of a sudden one of my closest people is the most self wiled person on Earth and sometimes makes me lose my mind, which made me think.

You should be stubborn, every day of your life. Honestly, strong will is a gift. It pushes you through life and even the most difficult situations or people’s opinions. How fast we start doubting our decisions and our life paths when we hear someone discussing it. Because if it’s not something socially acceptable, it’s wrong? Stubborn people aren’t difficult, or mulish. They will be the ones succeeding on their own ideas without being convinced otherwise.

I dreamt about huge, balloon like, white and pink cows that were unusually aggressive and broke down our house and I woke up absolutely panicking. Must have been a flashback from the Alps in Swiss (Not aggressive cows, but just generally lots of them!). And I started this blog with some of my morning thoughts. Back to the point.

We’ve been invited to the Outdoor Show in Friedrichshafen, to spend some time with the Ruffwear team at their stand. OUTDOOR SHOW! It was clearly amazing, so much of camping gear that just makes you never want to go live back in the house! Talking about stubborn, YES, I will own a van one day. And travel. It’s planned, will happen. Wait for it.

One day before the Outdoor show we hit the road early already to spend a day in Swiss Alps.

Forget blood cells, bones, and genes, they are not what we are.
We are, rather, nothing but our stories.


And it was enough to figure out, one day wasn’t enough at all. Swiss, we’ll be back.

See? All the places we will go.


We had a wonderful, wonderful apartment with a river just a walk away. Weather was spectacular and we were all excited to see the Ruffwear team again.
Vicky, as always, was the star of the show. Surely she can do tricks, a lot and even more, but her personality generally charms people. By the end of the first day she’d test each and every toy there was, she’d bring them to people on the stands near by and kept asking everyone to play with her.

The picture of a happy kiddo:

(The colours of the Hydro Plane, right!? So excited for a new line of toys in all shapes and forms coming out in the Fall!)

We also would play a game, find an intruder.
Can you?

And here’s Vicky posing with those beautiful Ruffwear models!


And here’s all of us. Hey there, my blog readers, meet the team!
They’re not only the coolest and the nicest people, but they truly believe in the gear they promote and sell.
Well, they have a reason to. Once you go Ruffwear, you never go back.

Vicky’s? Anywhere.
Anywhere she feels comfortable. And anywhere she feels save.
She’d fall asleep anywhere. My sweet perfection, here’s a couple of shots of what always makes my heart melt.


She didn’t mind the hustle and bustle of people passing and even taking pictures of her after realizing it.
She was deep into her dreamy world of all the toys she’s tried before, all the mountain lakes to dip in and all the mysterious mountains of the previous day.

Talking about sleepy, here’s Vicky testing Eno hammock at the show. She even got her own one because she was so super duper adorable! We know Eno hammocks from Instagram and are so excited to try out our own now!


And here’s what we found on the way back and was absolutely worth stopping! SNOW and how much Vicky loves it.


Now back to Slovenia, safe and sound and ready for some work and exams, before summer can start for real. Big things going on.
One more THANK YOU to the entire Ruffwear team for inviting us. Hopefully putting a video together in a couple of days or after exams.

Stay tuned for some more summer blogs!

  • The Green Dogs

    19/07/2017at21:10 Reply

    Oh my gosh, Vicky is just the cutest! And wow, the Swiss Alps are stunning! No wonder you’d want to go back! :)

  • Fenne

    05/09/2017at01:00 Reply

    I get to hear that I’m stubborn rather often. Mostly not meant as a compliment :-))

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